

Your Celebration Planner

There is no question that due to COVID-19, celebrations have had to adapt. From virtual birthday parties, drive-by graduations and lawn signs, to creating special meals at home, we found new ways to show how much we cared. This change also meant postponing celebratory trips to mark momentous occasions which is disappointing, but in no […]


What is Travel like during COVID-19?

There’s a lot of talk about travel these days and as can be expected, many questions. Have you flown yet? Which borders are open? Are there restrictions? When should I book my next vacation? While we do have answers to most of these questions, it is based mostly on what we are told and what […]


Caviar Recipe

We recently held a Virtual Caviar Conversation with Seabourn Cruises and their partner Regiis Ova Caviar. It was extremely interesting, if you were able to attend we hope you enjoyed it too. We have had many requests for Seabourn Chef, Anton Egger’s caviar recipe and he has generously allowed us to share it with you. Seabourn […]


Canada Fun Facts

While your Canada Day festivities might look a little different this year, what doesn’t change are all the amazing things there are to celebrate. Here are some fun facts about our fantastic country: • Canada has over 71,000 km of stunning coastlines- the largest in the world. • The Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick […]


The Value of a Vision Travel Advisor

Our Expertise Our Advisors are our biggest asset and your best advocate when planning travel. You are currently hearing about travellers being on hold 6 or 7 hours with some travel retailers or suppliers. When you book with Vision Travel, we recognize the value of your time and work hard to look after all travel […]