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Active Destination Spotlight: Portugal

While sometimes overshadowed by its big neighbour Spain, Portugal punches way above its weight when it comes to appeal. This tiny country – somewhat smaller than Cuba in size – in southwestern Europe combines beautiful scenery ranging from mountainous to rolling groves of olive and cork trees; a vibrant arts culture; great sea-to-table cuisine –and […]


Recipe: Portuguese Paella

Enjoy this hearty one dish meal during the cooler fall days ahead. Ingredients 6 skinless chicken thighs (about 1 1/2 lbs.) 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary or 1⁄4 teaspoon dried rosemary 3⁄4 teaspoon salt, divided 1⁄4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper 2 teaspoons canola oil 1 link Portuguese chourico, sliced in rounds 1 cup onion, […]


Lasagne aux aubergines avec des tortillas

Ingrédients 1 contenant (400g) de fromage ricotta 3 c. à table de fromage parmesan râpé 1 œuf, légèrement battu 1 c. à table de persil séché 3 c. à table de basilic frais, émincé 1/4 de c. à thé de muscade une pincée de sel (au goût) 1 aubergine de taille moyenne coupée en fines […]


Bahamas: Airport update ( Hurricane Joaquin)

Airport Operations Updates 10/02/2015 at 8:29 AM EDT The Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) is open and operating this morning. Domestic and International flight schedules have been impacted by Hurricane Joaquin. Passengers travelling today are invited to check their flight schedules at Flights@LPIA and contact their respective airlines directly for updates at Airlines@LPIA.


Newly-Formed Tropical Storm Nears Philippines; China and Vietnam Put on Alert

A new tropical storm threatens to trigger flooding across the Philippines into Friday before taking aim at southeastern China and northern Vietnam later this weekend and early next week. Tropical downpours will accompany the newly-formed tropical storm as it pushes across the northern half of the Philippines from east to west into Friday……….. ………..Among the […]


Hurricane Joaquin: update

While Hurricane Joaquin could still make landfall in the United States, the hurricane will bring major impacts to the East Coast and inland areas even if the center of the storm remains at sea. People should not let their guard down due to a shifting track of the hurricane as the risk to lives and […]