Category - Train Journeys


Celebrations as a Way of Travelling: Making Memories Around the World

Travelling is more than just visiting new places; it’s about experiencing moments that turn into cherished memories. What better way to create those memories than by celebrating life’s milestones around the world? Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or any special occasion, celebrating while traveling offers a unique and unforgettable experience. Here’s why and how […]


Your Celebration Planner

There is no question that due to COVID-19, celebrations have had to adapt. From virtual birthday parties, drive-by graduations and lawn signs, to creating special meals at home, we found new ways to show how much we cared. This change also meant postponing celebratory trips to mark momentous occasions which is disappointing, but in no […]


Epic Train Journeys in Britain

Experience the golden age of train travel on one of Belmond’s magnificent journeys. British Pullman Restored to their former glory, the Belmond British Pullman’s carriages are as famous today as in the heyday of train travel. Whether you prefer afternoon tea, flowing champagne or both—as many guests do—there’s a journey for everyone. Whichever you choose, we guarantee […]


Express rail service between downtown Toronto and the airport

Starting June 6, trains from the new union Pearson Express line will commute Pearson airport to downtown Toronto every 15 minutes. The 25 minutes ride has only two brief stops at the Bloor and Weston GO Stations and will let you enjoy 25 traffic-free minutes on the Union Pearson Express. For more details, click here.



I recently had the good fortune of being able to take a wonderful sojourn throughout Europe, traveling Around Italy, Switzerland, Monaco, and France, via Rail Europe. We took 12 trains throughout our entire journey, with only one delayed a significant amount of time, which amounted to what I would describe as an overall very positive […]