Travelling to Europe This summer

If you are thinking about visiting continent this summer, here are a few of our travel tips.

1 – A Travel Advisor is essential. Yes, it can be said we are biased, however, while countries are open to travellers, there are still covid entry requirements and protocols to navigate. Additionally, the situation is still fluid and having a trusted advisor to assist with any changes will give you piece of mind.

2 – Stick to one country. Even within the EU, each country has its own set covid rules, and protocols can event change between regions in the same country. Staying in country will reduce getting stuck due to changing entry requirements and limit the number of tests you need to take.

3 – Fly direct. Like keeping your travels within on country, flying direct reduces potential complications.

4 – Go with an open mind. This is a new situation for everyone and there will be hiccups along the way.

5 – Allow extra time. As capacities will be limited, there may be cleaning between guests, and staffing might be reduced, things might take longer than they would have previously.

6 – Hotel staff maybe out of practice or still learning new procedures. During the pandemic, thousands of tourism workers were laid off and only now being called back to work.

7 – Capacity will may be reduced. Getting a reservation at your favourite restaurant, getting an entry slot for a museum or art gallery will require advanced planning, something recommended even before covid so that our clients do not miss experiences.

8 – Costs. There has been some amazing value for pre-booking hotels and cruises not just in terms of prices but also for value adds. Once in destination travellers might find other costs have increased. Globally food prices have risen exponentially along with other goods.

9 – No crowds. As some countries are not yet open, those who can travel will have the most popular destinations to themselves. So, while capacities will be reduced, over all there will be less travellers, giving you lots of space to enjoy the view.

For more information, speak to your Vision Travel Advisor today!