Vanilla & Cocoa Cake

Better together, the combination of cocoa and vanilla doughs make this delicious cake!

Cocoa Cake Dough: 

Mix 100 grams of butter, 200 grams of sugar and 3 grams of salt with 4 grams of baking powder with a mixer. Then add 2 eggs tempered to 25°C, add 130 grams of flour and 30 grams of cacao, then 145 grams of cream tempered to 25° and vanilla extract. Do not emulsify.

Vanila Cake Dough: 

Mix 100 grams of butter, 200 grams of sugar and 3 grams of salt with 4 grams of baking powder with a mixer. Then add 2 eggs tempered to 25°C, add 130 grams of flour and 145 grams of cream tempered to 25° and vanilla extract. Do not emulsify.


Once the two cake doughs are done, put in a mould with baking paper the two differents cake doughs in successive layers. With a knife mix the doughs. Heat your oven at 180°C and then lower to 160°C. Bake for about 45 minutes.

3,2,1 dégustez!

Prepared by Chef Gaëtan Fiard from Terre Blanche Hotel.