Recipe: Namibian Magic Lamb on the BBQ

This is a traditional Namibian recipe for a classic dish of lamb or goat flavoured with green peppercorns and pomegranate seeds with garlic, anchovies and rosemary that is traditionally cooked in an earth pit, but which has been adapted here for a barbecue.

1 large leg of lamb
handful or green peppercorns and pomegranate seeds (lion-bush berries would normally be used)
olive oil
1 head of garlic, peeled and slivered
1 large bunch fresh rosemary
8 dried anchovies (or anchovies in oil, drained)
Magic Lamb Preparation:

Clean the meat and using a sharp knife make a large number of puncture holes all over the meat. Stuff the berries, garlic, rosemary and anchovies (traditionally dried anchovies soaked in a water and with backbone removed would be used) into these holes so that the meat is completely studded.
Wrap the meat in several layers of aluminium foil, ensuring you wrap around the meat in different directions to seal it in the foil packet. Place the lamb on a hot barbecue and if possible cover the barbecue and lamb in more foil (or, if your barbecue has a lid use this). Leave to cook for at least three hours. At the end of this time unwrap the lamb and carve. Serve with sweet potato mash and roast vegetables such as squash, pumpkin and deep-fried okra.

Recipe and image from