Australia: Jetstar pilot strike threat for February

JETSTAR pilots are proposing to place a series of work bans on the airline that could disrupt flights as early as next month as they attempt to end a two-year impasse on wage negotiations.

The Australian Federation of Air Pilots lodged an application for a ballot on protected industrial action yesterday and expect it to be completed early next month.

The union, which represents just over half the Jetstar pilot body, is proposing a range of 12 actions ranging from refusing to work on days off or using company iPads outside of working hours to four-hour stop work meetings.

There are also a series of operational restrictions on the way pilots fly aircraft.

The move comes after a pay offer before Christmas was resoundingly rejected by 95 per cent of the pilots who voted on it.

AFAP executive director Simon Lutton said the ballot was “the first step” towards protected industrial action, which could affect the busy Easter period although Jetstar management said tonight it had “contingencies’’ for that.

“We are disappointed to have to take this step but after over two years of fruitless negotiations we have been left with no choice,’’ Mr Lutton said.

“Jetstar pilots are the most productive and lowest-paid jet airline pilots in Australia and the contempt with which management have treated the pilot group is disgraceful.’’

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