Honduras: Smoke cancelled flights at Toncontin Airport

15/04/1911 – Updated: 04/15/1911 01:09 pm
It is estimated that an international airline lost at least 50 thousand dollars for the delay of an hour.

The dense layer of smoke that covers the capital of Honduras forced the National Directorate of Civil Aviation to cancel all flights.

The Honduran authorities announced this morning that all flights abroad, local and even out of helicopters were canceled because the visibility in Tegucigalpa was reduced to 2 kilometers.

“We had problems with visibility, the smoke is heavy and there is no wind that allows us to open optimism in the short term,” confirmed the president of Taca Airlines in Honduras, Armando Funez.

It is estimated that an international airline lost at least 50 thousand dollars for the one-hour delay on a flight.

The National Weather Service reported that the airports of San Pedro Sula, La Ceiba and Roatan are working with limited visibility.

Previously, several international airports in Honduras have been intermittently closed because of smoke that covers most of the country.

The lack of visibility in Tegucigalpa is caused by the fires in Honduras and other Central American countries, according to the SMN.

So far have reported more than 696 fires so far in 2011, according to reports from the Institute of Forest Conservation and Development, Protected Areas and Wildlife (ICF).

In addition, proĆ³sticos not flattering because according to the MTF will be more dense haze in Tegucigalpa in the coming days.

Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the capital of Honduras figures triggered respiratory diseases by up to twenty percent, according to statistics provided by the autoriudades of the Ministry of Health.

People with respiratory diseases should wear masks or cover mouths “to prevent their aggravates respiratory problems, recommended by the head of the Ministry of Health, Arthur Benda.